MCF News

Keep up with the latest from The Magic Coat Foundation.

  • The impact of our recent research project with the University of Western Australia to Help Kids in Hospitals

    We are proud to be working with Perth Children’s Hospital to make a difference to children who are feeling anxious entering the hospital system.The Magic Coat Foundation are incredibly grateful for the support of VIPER Metrics who worked closely with us to create the Magic Coat hospital app that we will continuously evolve to support…

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  • WA Trialing Free Full Time Kindergarten

    Free full-time kindergarten for four-year-olds will begin in 2027 at 10 pilot locations across the state with participating schools to offer kindy five days a week. There is a lot of questions that still need to be answered to ensure this is a true benefit to the development of our children. Our CEO, Di Wilcox…

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