Donate to The Magic Coat Foundation

Make a donation to The Magic Coat Foundation today to help change the lives of many.


Explore the day’s details, including prizes, auction items and much more.

The Magic Coat for the Middle East

We are so pleased to be able to share the Arabic and Hebrew editions of The Magic Coat for the Middle East.


If you’d like to sponsor an event or explore a partnership, take a look at our partnership document to discover how you can make a difference.

Treat a Deserving Child to aN All-StarS Day

Our Magic Coat All-Stars Day offers children the chance to learn life-changing strategies and also to feel like the best version of themselves.

The Magic Coat Foundation Named a 2025 Telethon Beneficiary

This incredible recognition and support will enable us to elevate our Hospital Adventure App, developed in collaboration with Perth Children’s Hospital, to new heights.


The Magic Coat Foundation is a non-profit organisation dedicated to offering mental health services and valuable resources to assist children aged 4 to 11 and their families.

The Foundation works with children in many different settings including schools, foster care, women’s refuges and prisons. We ensure the children receive valuable workshops and resources and provide parenting workshops to their mothers, fathers and/or carers, so they can provide life-long skills to support their children’s mental health.

We also provide training to teachers, psychologists, social workers, doctors, nurses and any other front-line workers and provide a range of programs and services to partners and associations supporting children in our community.

At the heart of our Foundation lies The Magic Coat, an innovative tool designed to foster the development of confident, calm and caring children.The Foundation relies on grants, donations and fundraising to enable us to continue with this important work.

The Magic Coat Foundation is a small, dedicated team doing some big things and we look forward to growing our team and the impact we have on our children in the near future.


To provide essential support to children and families, equipping them with the necessary tools to navigate their emotional well-being with strength and resilience. Together, we strive to create a brighter future for our young ones by nurturing their inner strength and promoting a culture of care and empathy.

MCF News

All News Posts

  • WA Trialing Free Full Time Kindergarten

    Free full-time kindergarten for four-year-olds will begin in 2027 at 10 pilot locations across the state with participating schools to offer kindy five days…

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  • Pandemic Babies Starting School: Are They Ready?

    Babies born during the height of COVID-19 are now starting school, but pre-primary teachers are worried about more challenging behaviours and weaker social skills.…

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What is The Magic Coat

The Magic Coat is an analogy of an imaginary coat that helps children to feel safe and deal with a number of difficult situations they may come across in their young lives. The strategies for dealing with these situations are taught using a range of workshops, books and merchandise.

The Magic Coat encourages children to use strategies that enhance a positive energy, so that they can become confident and resilient but also radiate the positive qualities of love, happiness, compassion and kindness. Positive people feel safe, happy and relaxed and, because the vibe that they radiate is welcoming, they make friends easily.

The Magic Coat Foundation provides vulnerable children, their families and carers access to The Magic Coat programs to ensure they also receive the support they so desperately need.

Meet the Magic Coat Characters

The analogy of a Magic Coat and the brightly-coloured characters help children to understand and remember abstract concepts that would be otherwise difficult for them to understand. Each of the Magic Coat Characters in the pockets of The Magic Coat represent a different strategy that children can use to feel safe, build confidence, problem solve and have positive friendships and relationships.

  • picture of Obi the Octopus
    Obi the Octopus

    Obi is inside your Magic Coat pocket to remind you that you don’t just feel happy or sad.

    There are many other types of feelings you can have and sometimes you can feel more than one feeling at a time.

  • picture of Omelia and Pandora
    Omelia and Pandora

    Omelia and Pandora are an oyster and a pearl. An oyster sits at the bottom of the ocean and lots of yucky stuff gets washed into its mouth.

    Instead of closing itself off from the world, the oyster secretes nacre which builds up and creates a pearl. An oyster is like us. Everyday, something can make us feel sad or angry. We can't secrete nacre but we can use something very powerful called Self Talk.

  • picture of Sebastian the Seahorse
    Sebastian the Seahorse

    Sebastian is in our coat pocket to remind us that when we get an unhelpful or negative thought, we need to become a "thought detective" to see if the thought we are having is actually true.

    Detective work requires you to gather evidence for or against your unhelpful thoughts or beliefs.

    When you replace an unhelpful thought with a balanced, new thought you will feel less anxious and happier.

  • picture of Soloman the Surfboard
    Soloman the Surfboard

    Solomon reminds us that there are times in everyone’s lives when they have problems.

    Some problems seem big like big waves in the ocean and some are small like ripples in a pond.

    We can't run away from our problems. We need to surf life's waves and either problem solve or look for the good, even in a bad situation.

  • picture of Gratitude Glasses
    Gratitude Glasses

    Gratitude glasses can help you change the way you see a situation. When some days seem so hard, they can remind you that you still have so much to be thankful for.

    Each night you can write or draw three things you are grateful for, after seeing them with your Gratitude Glasses. This will help you feel better.

  • picture of The Pocket Full of Starfish
    The Pocket Full of Starfish

    The Pocket Full of Starfish remind us that we are all born to be different.

    We are not meant to all be the same. We need to love and accept who we are but also love and accept others and the differences that they have.

  • picture of Tate the Turtle
    Tate the Turtle

    Tate is a sea turtle. He can't pull his arms and legs into his shell and hide. He has to face life head on.

    When we have to face change or try new things, we have to be like Tate and find courage that is deep within us all.

  • picture of Pop the Cork
    Pop the Cork

    Pop the Cork is a message in a bottle.

    The two words in the bottle are, 'excuse me’. We use these words when someone is saying something that makes us feel disrespected.

    It is okay to stand up for ourselves, but it is never okay to be rude or unkind to others.

  • picture of Meshell and The Magic String of Shells
    Meshell and The Magic String of Shells

    Meshell reminds us that we are always connected to those we love.

    Each shell on your Magic string represents someone that you want to stay connected to. It doesn't matter where they are because this string can never be broken by anything or anyone.

  • picture of Bessam the Beluga Whale
    Bessam the Beluga Whale

    Bessam is in our coat pocket to remind us to support and be kind to people with disabilities.

    Beluga whales have no vocal chords so instead 'speak' by using a string of different clicking sounds. They also communicate through facial expressions and physical contact.

  • picture of Super Selfless Sneakers
    Super Selfless Sneakers

    Super Selfless Sneakers are part of our Magic Coat wardrobe because they remind us to be a person who makes a positive difference in the world.

    If you are selfless, you think less about yourself and more about others. You are generous and kind.

    When you are selfless, it helps you to identify and connect with others. The warm, tingly feeling you get from doing this is better than any present you could ever receive!

  • picture of The Magic Crown
    The Magic Crown

    The Crown is always in our Magic Coat pocket to remind us that we must live with Confidence, Respect, Optimism, Willingness and Nobility

    if we want to be the best person that we can be.

  • picture of Magic Beach Ball
    Magic Beach Ball

    This is kept inside your Magic Coat and reminds you that words are like a beach ball. If you like what a friend says to you, you can catch the ball.

    If you don’t like what a friend says to you, you can drop the beach ball and not let those words worry you anymore.

The Magic Coat Programs

The Magic Coat has developed a range of programs, workshops, presentations and products to support children’s mental health. These resources give everyone a common language and tool to effectively communicate with any child in their life about mental health, whether they be a parent, carer, teacher, medical specialist or otherwise. Additional resources are always being researched and developed to help children with the mental health challenges they face in their lives.

  • picture of School Programs

    School Programs

    The Magic Coat team travel to schools across Western Australia to deliver workshops to primary school aged children. We offer a number of different workshops to help support children’s mental health and wellbeing including ... Learn More
  • picture of Parenting Workshops

    Parenting Workshops

    To ensure that children are receiving the best support for their mental health and wellbeing, it is important that parents also have the skills to help support their children at home. To achieve this, the Foundation provides parenting worksho... Learn More
  • picture of Corporate Presentations

    Corporate Presentations

    Productivity in the workplace can increase substantially when employees know that their children are happy and healthy. The Magic Coat Foundation offers corporate presentations for businesses and employees to help with this. Founder of Th... Learn More
  • picture of The Treasure Box Series

    The Treasure Box Series

    The Treasure Box is a series of videos in which CEO, Di Wilcox interviews children about how they use the The Magic Coat to help them in their lives. The interviews are often with children who have gone through, or are going through, a challenging... Learn More
  • picture of Wellbeing Dog

    Wellbeing Dog

    The Magic Coat Foundation continue to use our wellbeing dog at our partner schools and for workshops at The Pocket. Monty is a cavoodle who provides comfort and support to students suffering from anxiety, loneliness and sadness. He... Learn More
  • picture of Magic Coat All Stars Program

    Magic Coat All Stars Program

    There are many children in our community who are suffering from terminal illness, severe trauma, poverty, or extreme disadvantage who deserve an experience to remember. This is why the Magic Coat Foundation created ‘The Magic Coat Al... Learn More

The Magic Coat Shop

Please see below The Magic Coat products and resources that have been produced to support the concepts of The Magic Coat. Di Wilcox, Founder of The Magic Coat, has also written several books to assist both children, parents and carers with various aspects of children’s development that are also listed below. For more information on these products or to purchase, please enquire below.

  • A Pocket, a Pebble and Your Invisible String
  • Teachers Resource Kit
  • The Magic Coat Indigenous Australian Edition
  • The Magic Coat Stickers
  • Parenting Through The Primary Years
  • The Magic Coat Pillow Case
  • The Magic Coat Crown Badges (Set of 5)
  • The Magic Coat Second Edition
  • The Magic Coat Book: First Edition
  • The Magic Moments Bundle
  • Magic Coat Posters

The Magic Coat Foundation Projects

As a foundation we exist to help as many children as we possibly can with their mental health. By collaborating with key partners, we ensure that we are supporting children who have already been identified as being vulnerable. While our partners work hard in their space to help these children, we come in and fill the gap of supporting the child’s mental health. This allows for much greater holistic support of the child and their families as they go through a difficult period in their lives.

  • picture of Perth Children’s Hospital Research Project

    Perth Children’s Hospital Research Project

    The Magic Coat Foundation, in collaboration with Perth Children’s Hospital, are raising funds to research the efficacy of The Magic Coat in reducing pre-operative anxiety in children. A Magic Coat app is being trialled where, prior to their... Learn More
  • picture of Ronald McDonald House Training and Support

    Ronald McDonald House Training and Support

    The Foundation was contacted by the WA chapter of Ronald McDonald House to see what could be done to assist with the mental health and wellbeing of the children and families living in the house. Ronald McDonald loved what the Magic Coat has to... Learn More
  • picture of Breast Cancer Care WA Training and Support

    Breast Cancer Care WA Training and Support

    When the Foundation heard there was little or no support for children whose mothers had been diagnosed with breast cancer, we reached out to help. Di Wilcox has run several focus groups with counsellors, nurses and breast cancer support workers, as well as women going through treatment to understand what... Learn More
  • picture of University of WA Research Project

    University of WA Research Project

    In order for The Magic Coat program to grow and support as many children as possible, university research is imperative to demonstrate the efficacy of the program. This year the Foundation has started running sessions a... Learn More
  • picture of Magic Heart for Ukraine Project

    Magic Heart for Ukraine Project

    The Foundation has created The Magic Heart Project to help the children of the Ukraine by providing more books, as well as helping children by empowering them with something to do that makes a real difference. So far 20,000 copies of The Magic Coat for Ukraine ha... Learn More
  • picture of Indigenous Australian Program

    Indigenous Australian Program

    After running workshops in Meekatharra, Broome, Mt Magent, Cue, Carnarvon and in the Great Southern, the Foundation realised there is a need for a specific book for Indigenous children. Di Wilcox, Founder and CEO of The Magic Coat... Learn More
  • picture of Moving House with The Magic Coat

    Moving House with The Magic Coat

    This special edition of The Magic Coat, proudly sponsored by The Agency, was written to ensure that the smaller members of the family are supported as the family makes a life changing decision on where they call home.  Learn More
  • picture of At the Beach with your Magic Coat

    At the Beach with your Magic Coat

    The Magic Coat Foundation is thrilled to be partnering with Sorrento Surf Life Saving Club to support children in their first experiences at the beach.  Learn More
  • picture of Magic Coat for the Middle East

    Magic Coat for the Middle East

    With the outbreak of war in the Middle East, a special adapted version of The Magic Coat has been produced for the innocent children caught up in this region.   Learn More

Events & Programs

  • picture of Magic Coat Annual Golf Day 2025


    Magic Coat Annual Golf Day 2025
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  • picture of Magic Coat Annual Ball 2024


    Magic Coat Annual Ball 2024
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Our Partners

As a not-for-profit, our Foundation would not be able to offer the incredible programs that we do without the generosity and support of our corporate partnerships. We love that our corporates care about our children as much as we do.

The support from our partners is greatly appreciated and we are always keen for more corporate partners to join the team so together we can make an even bigger difference in our community.

Our Sponsors

We are so thankful to our sponsors for helping us raise vital funds for children’s mental health.

If you’d like to sponsor an event or explore a partnership, please check out our Partnership Opportunities. Together, we can make a difference.

Ball Sponsors
Golf Day Sponsors

How You Can Help


Make a donation to The Magic Coat Foundation today to help change the lives of many.


Join us at our fundraising events and help us raise money for children in need.


Make The Magic Coat Foundation the charity of choice for you or your company.


Get in touch with us about donating an auction item for our future fundraising events.


Tell your school about The Magic Coat programs or workshops for children and parents.


Get in touch to learn about volunteering opportunities with The Magic Coat Foundation.